With our eSIM, forget about finding free WI-FI points

The cost of 1 GB of internet with our eSIMs is from $1.55 per 1 GB!

About Us

esimsaleis an electronic eSIM card store that will allow you to get rid of high roaming tariffs, will not let you be left without a telephone connection or the Internet while traveling. With eSIMsale services, you do not need to look for free Wi-Fi or SIM cards at the airport.

Our mission

esimsale aims to provide you with the lowest possible rates for worldwide communication, as well as rid you of roaming restrictions and solve the problem with communication abroad for many years.

What are we doing?

Until recently, staying connected while roaming required either finding a local SIM card or using a data service from your home carrier.
Buying a local SIM card for tourists caused difficulties with finding a local mobile operator's office, the conditions of service provision and its cost, and the use of data services from the home operator first of all hit the wallet. Just a couple of megabytes of traffic could cost hundreds of dollars.
With the advent of mobile devices that support eSIM technology, it has become possible to purchase SIM cards at understandable rates while still at home and be in touch from the moment the plane lands or crosses the border.
The esimsale team strives to offer you the lowest possible data rates and deliver you an eSIM activation code in minutes from the comfort of your home.

Our values?

The eSIMsale team values diversity, exclusivity and fairness. As an international organization operating anywhere in the world, we strive for global connectivity for all, and that's what we live by every day. Our team is constantly growing in our main office in Georgia. We have teammates all over the world who make eSIMsale better!

Legal information

esimsale Inc.
2038, 1007 N Orange St. 4th Floor , Wilmington, DE, New Castle, US, 19801

© 2024 eSIMsale




